Where can primary school teachers access online CPD for outstanding PE?

Continued Professional Development (CPD) makes several appearances in 7 top tips for spending the Primary PE and Sport Premium.


(Shout-out to the Association for Physical Education (afPE), Youth Sport Trust and Active Partnerships for putting this together.)


Why is CPD a sustainable use of the primary PE and sport premium?  

CPD directly relates to point three of DfE’s five key indicators of effective PE and sport premium spending. But, when you look at the other four, it’s clear that CPD can contribute to achieving all five. 

By increasing the confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport:

  • more children can be engaged in regular physical activity
  • the profile of PE and sport can be raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement
  • broader experience of a range of sports and activities can be offered
  • and increased participation in competitive sport can be achieved.


It all starts with...

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Aspire Launches On Demand Distance Learning Platform To Deliver Training To Primary Schools

In response to the market’s need to provide more accessible and flexible training opportunities for primary school teachers keen to enhance physical education provision, Aspire has launched Aspire:ED.


Aspire:ED delivers on-demand training through digital technology, making it possible for teachers to train anytime, anywhere and on any device


Paul Griffiths, Owner at Aspire and creator of Aspire:ED, explains: “Even before the pandemic, busy educators found it difficult to make time for professional development. Now, whilst schools focus on the maintenance of a safe environment during the global pandemic, this issue is compounded.


“Schools are reluctant to allow external training providers on site, many schools are battling low staffing levels whilst teachers isolate and the provision of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for teachers has slipped down the priority list.


“Despite the challenges, the importance of CPD,...

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How do you design a physical curriculum for your primary school?


Design your primary school’s physical curriculum with this easy-to-use process.


A process based around Ofsted’s new inspection framework which Crichton Casbon, internationally recognised expert in the physical curriculum, will take you through in the webinar:


The Importance of a Powerful Physical Curriculum

Thursday 26th November at 4pm


Join Crichton and Dan Hays, Development Executive at Aspire, as they chat live about the effectiveness of a quality physical curriculum and give you the steps to achieve this at your primary school.

Save your seat here!


What you will learn:

  • The steps of setting out intentions for your children – what you want children to learn and become as young people
  • How to use the four tools available to you to implement your physical curriculum – Time, Place, People and Pedagogy
  • How to measure and build on your impact with a simple 6-step process


Plus, all delegates that sign up and join us for...

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How can primary schools spend the PE and Sport Premium effectively?

School is many children’s only chance to be active.

And being in the midst of a pandemic in which restrictions abound, this is ever more pressing.

Lockdown number one saw a drastic drop in children’s activity levels, with only 19% meeting the recommended 1 hour of physical activity per day.

Since returning to school in September, children have been 47% more physically active

As we write this, however, we’ve entered lockdown number two spanning November and edging into December.

Lockdown two has one significant difference though, schools are to remain open. But, with sports clubs closing and time outside limited, the pressure on schools to keep children’s activity levels up weighs heavy.

To support schools, the Association for Physical Education (afPE), Active Partnerships and Youth Sport Trust have put together 'Covid-19 and school funding: 7 top tips for spending the Primary PE and Sport Premium'. Used effectively, this funding has the potential...

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Sport and physical activity contribute billions of pounds to national life

physical activity Sep 29, 2020

£85.5 billion is the combined economic and social value of taking part in sport and physical activity in England.

We’ll just leave that there for a moment.

£85.5 billion.

The sum is the result of a new major study undertaken by Sport England and Sheffield Hallam University. The report concluded that, taking account the costs of engagement and opportunity provision, for every £1 spent on sport and physical activity, a return on investment (ROI) of £3.91 was created for individuals and society in 2017/18. 

So, when we say that enhancing your knowledge, skills and confidence to inspire children to lead and embrace active lifestyles is worth it, you see it really is.

And it’s not just a figure, it’s about what makes up that figure.

It’s the:

  • 150,000 cases of heart disease and stroke prevented
  • 900,000 cases of diabetes prevented
  • 8,500 cases of cancer prevented
  • 93,000 cases of dementia prevented
  • 375,000 cases of depression prevented
  • ...
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Who is Crichton Casbon?

Nationally and internationally known Education Consultant, Crichton Casbon MA (Curriculum Studies), is your course designer and leader.


A lifetime’s experience within the world of PE and the physical curriculum lends Crichton a unique expertise and wealth of knowledge that he shares within every module of this course.


What is this lifetime of experience?


  • 17 years as a secondary school PE teacher – 15 of those as head of department and 2 as Head of PSHE
  • 8 years as a PE adviser in East Sussex, teaching in 220+ schools and designing and leading ‘legendary’ training in all aspects of the physical curriculum
  • 11 years at QCA writing the national curriculum programmes of study and schemes of work
  • As Subject Officer and Adviser at QCA, he led the research and impact arm of the PESS project for 7 years
  • Manager of the review of the secondary national curriculum 2007-2008
  • Joint author with Dr Lynne Spackman of Assessment in PE
  • Author of several...
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