How do you design a physical curriculum for your primary school?


Design your primary school’s physical curriculum with this easy-to-use process.


A process based around Ofsted’s new inspection framework which Crichton Casbon, internationally recognised expert in the physical curriculum, will take you through in the webinar:


The Importance of a Powerful Physical Curriculum

Thursday 26th November at 4pm


Join Crichton and Dan Hays, Development Executive at Aspire, as they chat live about the effectiveness of a quality physical curriculum and give you the steps to achieve this at your primary school.

Save your seat here!


What you will learn:

  • The steps of setting out intentions for your children – what you want children to learn and become as young people
  • How to use the four tools available to you to implement your physical curriculum – Time, Place, People and Pedagogy
  • How to measure and build on your impact with a simple 6-step process


Plus, all delegates that sign up and join us for the webinar will receive two FREE resources:

  1. Criteria for standards and progression in PE
  2. PE policy and guidance document template


We’ve got just 250 spaces available and it’s first come, first served. So, don’t delay!


Why are we running this webinar?

We know that those who continually develop and enjoy their physical being are, compared to any other group:

  • happier 
  • healthier and 
  • more successful in the worlds of living, learning and enterprise


We also know that those who are active in childhood are more likely to be physically active and healthy as adults.


That’s why when we hear that just 19% of children are meeting the Chief Medical Officer’s recommended minimum 60 minutes of activity a day, we worry.


And when we hear 40% of newly qualified primary teachers have completed less than 6 hours of dedicated training in the delivery of PE, we worry some more.


So, rather than just worry, we’re working to change it.


That’s why this webinar is happening.


Accessible, insightful and useful learning that gives you the confidence, knowledge and skill to design, implement and measure a high-quality physical curriculum.


Which, in turn, engages and inspires evermore children to lead active lives.


Register for FREE to gain a simple and effective physical curriculum design process >>


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