How to plan an inclusive primary school Sports Day

A key date in the school sports calendar is coming up.

Sports Day is a chance to celebrate physical activity, improve teamwork, develop social skills, create healthy competition, build resilience and inspire active lives.

But with opportunity comes responsibility.

It’s your job to plan your primary school’s Sports Day, but it’s also your job to stay on top of everything else whilst doing it.

And it’s not just the time it takes. You also want the day to be engaging, inclusive, educational and enjoyable for pupils, teachers and parents. And you need to strike the right balance between competition and fun.

So, how can you do all that with speed and ease?

With this ready-to-go Inclusive Sports Day resource.

A free downloadable resource you can use to plan a circuit-based Sports Day for all ages and abilities at your primary school.

How does the resource help you plan your primary school Sports Day?

The printable booklet ensures you’ve got all the key...

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Get a bespoke action plan for your schoolā€™s remaining PE and sport premium

94,000 fewer children and young people were active in the 2020-2021 academic year compared to 2018-2019

The number of children with a probable mental health disorder has increased from one in nine in 2017 to one in six in 2021

And so, if there was ever a time to make sure you’re making the most of your PE and sport premium, it’s now.

You’ve got until the end of this academic year to spend your premium in full, which includes any unspent funds rolled over as a result of the pandemic.

There’s so many ways to spend the premium, but how do you know what will have the most impact on your school and pupils specifically?

Get bespoke recommendations by completing the Primary School PE Scorecard


What is the Primary School PE Scorecard?

The Department for Education (DfE) states that schools should use their premium to secure improvements in 5 key indicators:

  • Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity
  • The profile of PE and sport is raised...
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Physical Activity for Whole School Improvement with Andy Heald



Whole school improvement is no small matter. As a teacher, SLT member, or school governor, it is your responsibility to plan for and make changes that will have a positive impact on not only assessment data but also the wellbeing of all members of the school community.

As an experienced school governor, Andy Heald  is no stranger to school improvement and he believes that physical activity is key to success.

Listen to this week’s episode of The PE Huddle: Physical Activity for Whole School Improvement to find out more.


In the podcast, we discuss

  • The importance of asking “What is the bigger picture?” when looking at the PE curriculum
  • Why you should focus on the WHY, before the How and the What
  • Andy’s belief that Activity + Achievement = Fun
  • The need to create great physical activity experiences for children

Available to listen NOW wherever you get your podcasts



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