Get a bespoke action plan for your schoolā€™s remaining PE and sport premium

94,000 fewer children and young people were active in the 2020-2021 academic year compared to 2018-2019

The number of children with a probable mental health disorder has increased from one in nine in 2017 to one in six in 2021

And so, if there was ever a time to make sure you’re making the most of your PE and sport premium, it’s now.

You’ve got until the end of this academic year to spend your premium in full, which includes any unspent funds rolled over as a result of the pandemic.

There’s so many ways to spend the premium, but how do you know what will have the most impact on your school and pupils specifically?

Get bespoke recommendations by completing the Primary School PE Scorecard


What is the Primary School PE Scorecard?

The Department for Education (DfE) states that schools should use their premium to secure improvements in 5 key indicators:

  • Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity
  • The profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement
  • Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
  • Broader experience of a range of sports and physical activities offered to all pupils
  • Increased participation in competitive sport


The Primary School PE Scorecard asks you 40 quick-fire questions based on these 5 key indicators that you can complete in under 5 minutes.

We created the Scorecard in collaboration with the Association for Physical Education (afPE), and in consultation with primary PE teachers and academics so that you can get a clear picture of how effectively you’re spending your premium.

The Scorecard’s bespoke algorithm measures the extent to which you’re meeting the 5 indicators, calculating a percentage for each and an overall score.

Each percentage is paired with tools, resources and actionable advice for your school to achieve improvements across the 5 key indicators using your premium.

Because the purpose of the Scorecard isn’t only to provide a picture of your school’s PESSPA at present, it’s also to give you guidance on future spending.

With the Scorecard you’ll be able to continually level-up and be confident that you’re providing the quality of PESSPA children need to lead healthy lives.


What do you get by taking the Scorecard?

  • Percentage result for each of the 5 key indicators and an overall percentage score
  • A collection of tools, resources and actionable advice tailored to your school for each indicator
  • An in-depth personalised report emailed to you
  • EBook - A ten step guide to implementing a physical curriculum in your primary school
  • Optional free 15-minute consultation to discuss your results and next steps
  • Optional 1:1 free PESSPA health check in line with the Ofsted inspection framework to identify strengths and areas of development


How many times can you take the Scorecard?

There’s no limit to the number of times you can complete the Scorecard.

The cycle of planning, implementing and reviewing your PESSPA provision is one that takes place multiple times throughout the school year.

The scorecard is a tool to simplify this process; complete it as part of every review to benchmark your PESSPA provision and create an action plan for your future premium spend.


Take the Primary School PE Scorecard today to find out where to direct your remaining PE and sport premium to make the most impact.


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