West Midlands PE and School Sport Conference 2021 - Workshop leader: Steve Caldecott

Have you signed up for the WMPESS conference yet?

The importance of an ambitious, compelling, needs-driven and well-structured physical education curriculum

 As a former teacher, school leader, and physical education specialist, Steve Caldecott knows the reality of school life and leading PE. As a school inspector, he knows what the expectations are for physical activity within the curriculum. And as a representative of the Association for Physical Education (afPE) he has his finger on the pulse with all the latest developments, trends and advice.

 Who better, then, than Steve to give a keynote speech at this year’s West Midlands PE and School Sport Conference?

 Steve’s not-to-be-missed speech will cover:

  • Using some key wording from the Education Inspection framework to support your curriculum planning
  • Making effective use of the national curriculum
  • The introduction of some key questions to help you to reflect on your physical education curriculum.


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Who is Crichton Casbon?

Nationally and internationally known Education Consultant, Crichton Casbon MA (Curriculum Studies), is your course designer and leader.


A lifetime’s experience within the world of PE and the physical curriculum lends Crichton a unique expertise and wealth of knowledge that he shares within every module of this course.


What is this lifetime of experience?


  • 17 years as a secondary school PE teacher – 15 of those as head of department and 2 as Head of PSHE
  • 8 years as a PE adviser in East Sussex, teaching in 220+ schools and designing and leading ‘legendary’ training in all aspects of the physical curriculum
  • 11 years at QCA writing the national curriculum programmes of study and schemes of work
  • As Subject Officer and Adviser at QCA, he led the research and impact arm of the PESS project for 7 years
  • Manager of the review of the secondary national curriculum 2007-2008
  • Joint author with Dr Lynne Spackman of Assessment in PE
  • Author of several...
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