PE and Sports Premium UPDATE

There’s been an update to the PE and sport premium conditions.

 And we wanted to bring to your attention a particular detail:

Premium must be spent in full by the end of the 2021-2022 academic year.

That includes any underspend, so any premium that was rolled over as a result of the pandemic.

And you need to publish information about your spend on your school’s website by 31st July 2022.

So, if you’ve got premium to use, here we’ve highlighted some programmes that directly meet the Department of Education’s 5 key indicators of suitable premium spend.


What are the 5 key indicators?

Before we jump into the programmes, we just wanted to refresh your memory of the 5 key indicators .

As you know, the PE and sport premium must be used to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of your school’s PE, physical activity and sport provision.

You should expect to see improvements across 5 key indicators:

  • Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity.
  • The profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement.
  • Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport.
  • Broader experience of a range of sports and physical activities offered to all pupils.
  • Increased participation in competitive sport.

How can you use your premium?

Key Indicator 1

Swim England

The PE and sport premium can be used to ensure every pupil reaches the end of primary school being able to swim. Swim England has a range of useful resources to help schools deliver swimming and water safety lessons.

Playground Activator

With children spending up to 20% of their school day on the playground, we need to make better use of this time and help all children engage in physical activity.

The Playground Activator programme  is a one-day workshop accredited by Sports Leaders UK.

Lunchtime supervisors and support staff gain the skills and confidence to set up and run safe and inclusive physical activities during playtime and lunchtime.

PlayMaker Award

The PlayMaker Award introduces pupils to leadership and develops their organisation, communication and teamwork.

Developed by Sports Leaders UK and delivered by us, the award can boost the confidence and skills of those taking part, it can engage more children across the whole school in physical activity and it can decrease behaviour incidents on the playground.

Sports Clubs

Our extra-curricular programme  offers your school an opportunity to create a year-round sporting calendar that motivates and inspires your pupils to take part in a variety of sports and activities.

Increasing interest in extra-curricular clubs can reinforce your school values, encourage inter and intra-school competition and promote a healthy, active lifestyle.

Key Indicator 2

Inspired Playground

Is your school’s playground ready for a revamp? A fully installed Inspired Playground  has 5 activity stations that help you boost physical activity throughout the school day.

Maths on the Move and English on the Move

Our On the Move programmes use the concept of physically active learning.

A growing body of academic research proves that brain function is enhanced through physical activity. And the benefits of PAL don’t end there either, from increasing physical activity levels to facilitating understanding to increasing confidence and reducing anxiety, the benefits are far and wide.

MOTM and EOTM develop children’s confidence and attainment in key areas of the KS1 and KS2 maths and English curriculum.

And by embedding physical activity into the school day, the programme raises the profile of PE and sport across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement.


Tagtiva8 is a big advocate of physically active learning. They offer a range of learning methods, CPD and resources that provide an alternative to traditional seated learning.


LivWell believe a healthy school is a happy place to be. LivWell offers training and curriculum content that inspires and equips children with strategies to support their health and wellbeing.

Teach Active

Teach Active is an online platform packed full of lesson plans and resources, supporting teachers in their delivery of maths and English using physically active learning.

Key Indicator 3

The Association for Physical Education National Annual Conference

The Association for Physical Education National Annual Conference is a one-day professional learning event. Interactive workshops and keynote speeches enable attendees to access the latest developments, explore strategies and discover solutions to improve young people’s physical, social, emotional and cognitive well-being.

PE Curriculum Support

The PE Curriculum Support programme is an effective, sustainable investment for your PE and sport Premium. It is more than a mere 1-day training course or standalone activity - instead, it takes a holistic approach to embed PE across your entire school.

PE Curriculum Support provides high-quality learning being the only programme of its kind recognised by the Association for Physical Education Professional Development Board. Primarily a mentoring process, PECS offers regular and ongoing support to empower teachers to raise physical education and activity levels in a way that lasts.

Level 5 Certificate in Primary School Physical Education Specialism

Level 6 Award in Primary School Physical Education Subject Leadership

These two qualifications are developed by afPE and Sports Leaders UK (SLUK) and delivered by us.

The Level 5  is for those who want to gain the confidence and skill to effectively assist raising the standards within primary school PE teaching.

The Level 6  is for those who want to lead and deliver sustainable, high-quality primary school physical education as a PE subject leader.

Dance to School

Dance to School  is a digital dance platform. It’s a hub of lesson plans, resources and training, supporting subscribers in their delivery of high-quality dance lessons.


Aspire:ED offers on-demand PE CPD that boosts the knowledge, skills and confidence of primary school teachers.

It’s packed with resources, courses, webinars, workshops and more for you to upskill.

Key Indicator 4

The PE Hub

The PE Hub is helping teachers master PE lesson delivery. Offering simple-to-use lesson plans and engaging resources, the PE Hub provides you with the knowledge and tools you need to create memorable lessons for your pupils.


miMove comprises a student and a teacher app. Young people use the student app to log and reflect on their physical activity. The teacher app allows schools to see unprecedented live data on their pupils’ physical activity.

Why is this useful? Data leads to better decision making, celebrating success, providing suitable support and monitoring progress. All with the goal of encouraging children to make physical activity a staple part of their lives.


If you’re in need of new sporting and physical education equipment, have a browse on the Maudesport website . They’ve got supplies covering a whole range of sporting activities, enabling you to add variety to your delivery.

ClueGo Learn

Inspire learning outside the classroom with the ClueGo Learn.  An app-based, interactive game following the core curriculum that covers maths, English and general knowledge.

Key Indicator 5

School Games

School Games  is a government led programme designed to help schools select, prepare and support children to have a positive experience of competition.

Funded by Sport England National Lottery funding and delivered by the Youth Sport Trust, the programme’s mission is to put physical activity and competitive sport at the heart of schools and provide more young people with the chance to compete and achieve their personal best.

What about publishing your spend?

You’re required to publish information about the use of your premium on your website.

And this has to be done by 31st July 2022.

The Association of Physical Education have put together a handy template you can use to help with reporting your spend.

You can read more about the update to the PE and sport premium here.

If you have any questions at all or would like further information on anything we’ve mentioned above, be sure to get in touch with Oli Burton on 0121 663 1979 or



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