You have until 31st July to publish the details of your PE and sport premium spend on your school’s website.
The Department for Education (DfE) monitors your online reporting to make sure the premium is being used for its purpose: to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of the PE, school sport and physical activity (PESSPA) provided.
Misuse can result in a school having to repay the premium and future payments being withheld.
So, how do you make sure you’re spending the premium effectively?
You need to benchmark your PESSPA provision against the DfE’s five key indicators.
Here we’ll show you how.
What are the DfE’s 5 key indicators?
First, a reminder of the DfE’s indicators of effective usage:
How do you benchmark your provision against these indicators?
We’ve made benchmarking quick and easy with the Primary School PE Scorecard, created in collaboration with the Association for Physical Education (afPE), and in consultation with primary PE teachers and academics.
In 40 quick-fire questions that take less than 5 minutes to complete, you’ll know exactly how effectively you’re spending your premium.
You’ll get a percentage score for all five indicators showing you the extent to which you’re meeting each.
These 5 percentages are then used to calculate your overall score.
What do you do with your Scorecard results?
After completing the Scorecard questions, you’re emailed a full in-depth and bespoke report where your score for each indicator is explained and paired with tools, resources and actionable advice.
So, you not only know to what extent you’re meeting the indicators, but how you can make best use of your premium going forward.
This is especially valuable if you’ve still got premium to spend before that all important deadline. The deadline announced in February that all premium, including any underspend rolled over as a result of the pandemic, must be spent by the end of the 2021 to 2022 academic year.
Used in the right way, the PE and sport premium has the potential to transform your school’s PESSPA offering and consequently, the health and wellbeing of your pupils.
Get the assurance that you’re making the most of your premium by completing the Scorecard today.