Aspire:ED Membership is here! Varied and flexible content available wherever, whenever and however suits you.

Traditionally, CPD looks something like this:

You sign up to go on a course.

The day before the course, you spend hours putting together everything for a cover teacher.

On the morning of the course you travel to the specified location, do the course (sometimes broken up by some coffee and custard creams) and then you travel home.

Courses can be great. You get a day away from the hustle and bustle of the classroom, you might get a free pen, and theoretically, you come away with some new learning about a particular topic.

But what if the course you want to go on clashes with a parents’ evening?

What if the trainer you really want to meet works at the other end of the country?

What if, on the day of the course, you are tired and just not feeling it?

 Well, you might have to provide your own beverage and biscuit of choice, but in Aspire:ED we think we have the solution to all your CPD problems, and it’s so much more than just a one-day course.

Aspire:ED is an online training platform to inspire existing and aspiring primary PE leads who are passionate about raising the profile of PESSPA, health and well-being across their school. 

The platform contains in-depth courses on specific topics, which are AfPE Professional Development Board accredited, but also more informal training through

  • webinars
  • podcasts
  • live Q&A sessions
  • workshops
  • newsletters 
  • ongoing support

Our high-quality training content, resources and downloads are created by industry experts. They can be accessed at any time that is convenient to you, from the PPA office, your sofa at home, or even on your mobile phone during your commute (as long as you’re not driving or cycling!).

The content is constantly being updated so you can dip in and out and keep ahead of the curve with the latest industry-expert guidance.

There are two levels of membership to choose from depending on your current needs.


This is a free membership that gives you a basic package of materials. You’ll be able to download resources and eBooks, read the Aspire:ED blog, access a PESSPA Health Check and receive ongoing support, get a discounted ticket to the WMPESS conference, and access newsletters, courses and live webinars.


This is the top level of membership where you can really get value for money and access absolutely everything. You’ll get VIP access to new courses and webinars, but if you aren’t available to attend a webinar you’ll be able to access full recordings at your own convenience. You will get a whopping 50% off the cost of accredited courses along with course tutor support, and a completely free ticket to the West Midlands PE and School Sports Conference  (worth £125). As a Thrive member, you will enjoy full PE Suite Platform Access and be eligible to join AfPE as a school member for half-price. At £14.99 a month it’s an investment that will reap plenty of rewards.

 So, if you’re serious about enhancing your knowledge, skills and confidence to help fight physical inactivity, then membership of Aspire:ED might be exactly what you didn’t know you needed.


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