Inspiring Early Years PE, physical activity and physical development

It’s been in the pipeline for a while and now we are thrilled to be launching a brand new Aspire:ED online course.  

Designed and taught by Helen Battelley, Inspiring Early Years PE, physical activity and physical development is, as you may have guessed from the title, a course for those who work with (or aspire to work with) younger children aged around 3 – 7 years.  

 As with all of our courses, it offers you the flexibility to study wherever, whenever and however you want to. You can learn in short bursts or do longer stints if you have time. You can pause if you’re interrupted or go back and repeat anything you’re unsure about. With Aspire:ED, you are in control.  


What is the course about?  

The three-module course will help you to develop an understanding of how best to support children physically in the Early Years. Combining both practical and theoretical content, you will gain:  

  • A depth of understanding to create inspiring physical learning opportunities within a range of contexts. 
  • The skills to adapt an environment to best support physical learning.  
  • The tools to create a lesson plan that elicits excellent responses from learners.  
  • A wider understanding of the physical and social challenges facing the Early Years sector. 
  • Greater confidence in the areas of movement play and physical activity. 

You can read more about each module in detail here

 Who is Helen Battelley?  

The course tutor, Helen Battelley, is a world-renowned Early Years PE and physical development specialist who is highly respected for her contribution to raising the profile of Early Years physical activity. 

Here’s a bit more about her: 

  • Helen is a consultant, trainer, author and speaker. 
  • She holds an MA in Early Childhood Physical Activity. 
  • The Skinner Release Technique dance/movement/somatic practice influences her work.  
  • In 2019, Helen conducted an action research project with Reception children (4-5 years) for Birmingham City University on ‘Can delivering a movement-based intervention positively impact on attainment and well-being?’ 
  • She was the lead physical development advisor on Change4life’s 10 Minute Shake Up Cards. 
  • Helen developed a Physical Phonics programme for The National Literacy Trust, which will be rolled out across the UK in the academic year 2021-2022. 

Throughout the course, Helen shares from her wealth of experience, and will inspire you to overhaul your provision. Helen’s enthusiasm for her work is infectious and her ideas will help you add creativity and fun to the physical learning in your school. 

Key information 

When? Anytime you want! 

Where? Anywhere you like! 

How long for? The course will take approximately 11 hours, but you can spread this over as many days/months/years as you need to. 

Who can sign up?  Anyone. You don’t have to be an Aspire:ED member. How much does it cost? The course costs £295, for THRIVE members the course is half price at just £146.50 plus you will get additional online support from the course creator herself, Helen Battelley.

How much does it cost? The full price before any discounts is £295  

How do I register?  Go to Course Overview



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